Welcome To Besant Theosophical Higher Secondary School
“Let happy memories of remain with all. Specially work to keep away fear from the little ones everywhere, for the young must grow happily, even though we must not allow them always to do just what they want. I have worked to help the young be happy and unafraid. Let that work go on…” – Dr. Annie Besant’s words, as taken down by Dr. Arundale, just before she passed away.
Founded in 1934, The Besant Theosophical Higher Secondary School is the oldest unit of the Kalakshetra Foundation. Affiliated with the Tamil Nadu State board syllabus, the school offers education primarily in Tamil, with the option of English medium education from the 6th to the 10th standard. BTHS is a government-aided school, and offers free education to more than 800 boys and girls. A noon-meal scheme provides free lunch daily to 300 students.

About Us
The Besant Theosophical High School was started by Sri. George Sydney Arundale on 27th June 1934. The school was founded at the express wish of Dr. Annie Besant...

Shri A.Kasiviswanathan, M.Sc., B.Ed., MBA (HRM), Secretary and Correspondent, Besant Theosophical Higher Secondary School...

Fees Structure
The fee structure for High School and Higher Secondary School are collected as per the State Government norms...

For Ist standard to Xth standard, admission form is only provided after the admission process will completed...